Archangelic Light Master Class
Experience the transformative power of Archangelic Light (AL), a profoun d connection with the Archangels and the angelic realm. This energy work invokes colorful, loving, and exhilarating energy that spirals throughout your field. This Archangelic Light Master Practitioner Training is a transformative experience, even if you have no intention of teaching this modality to others.
In this class, you will:
- Expand your level of Archangelic Light and strength.
- Review Archangelic Light Practitioner Training.
- Experience a complete animal healing session with AL.
- Deepen your understanding of the Divine Feminine through studying the Avatars of its energy.
- Receive high-vibration light codes through a dimensional overlay on the right arm, empowering you to transmit these codes to others as a practitioner and master practitioner.
- Learn about crystals, gemstones, and specific grids to enhance AL work.
- Anchor AL into the earth, establishing a connection with the planet after receiving the light codes. Each student will receive a crystal attuned to their personal AL work.
- Engage in meditations honoring the Divine Masculine and opening 3rd Eye energy for enhanced psychic vision.
- Explore techniques to transition Earthbounds and Waywards, including a field trip to a cemetery or another location for anchoring Archangelic Light.
- Discover how to use essential oils to invite angelic presence
Class Fee: $285 (non-refundable deposit of $50 will secure your spot) Purchase your ticket through the event link is required.
- A comprehensive course manual.
- A certificate upon completion.
- Sacred water attuned to Archangelic Light healing energy.
- Special Bonus: Learn to align your pets with this healing energy.
Remember to bring your lunch, as snacks will be provided.