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Self Love Event

Join us for a night of self-love. We will start with setting loving intentions for ourselves. We will then move into a sound bath healing to heal all trauma that makes self-love hard. Everyone will receive beautiful Reiki Healing following our self-love sound bath healing.

This is a free event designed to help you release and recharge.

We will be bringing in the healing energy of Reiki and sound healing to this unique share to help alleviate pain, stress, and anxiety.

We will begin by guiding you through a tranquil sound bath healing with a healing meditation that will bring in healing and peace.

Then you will receive reiki healing energy from one of our trained Reiki Masters. Reiki is a healing energy that is gentle but effective and goes to the root of an emotional or physical issue. It is life force energy that restores balance in the body and is very subtle and effective. Reiki leaves you feeling overall calm and peace. Reiki can stop physical pain.

Even if you have never meditated before or don’t know about Reiki and sound healing you can still join us and it will be beneficial. Come with any anxiety or worry and leave feeling peaceful. Come with any physical discomfort and leave feeling renewed. We open this healing up to everyone. We never charge to join us at his event as we want to extend this wonderful healing to everyone.

If tickets are sold out email us to obtain a ticket.

All attending in person will need to bring a towel or a yoga mat.

This event experience doesn’t support kids under the age of 16 years old or pets.

W e do not tolerate solicitation at our events.

This event is designed for individuals who haven’t yet attained the level of Reiki Master or Master/Teacher.

Can’t wait to see everyone there.